Friday 7 September 2012

Walsingham Retreat 2013

Every two years the CA Hospitalité holds a retreat at Walsingham - organised by Mrs Pat Richardson.

The next CA Hospitalité Walsingham Retreat is taking place on 5 - 7 April 2013, and will be given by Fr Nicholas King, SJ.

If you would like to attend, please fill in the form and send to Pat's address with a £20 deposit per person. Please download form here. The Walsingham retreat is a very popular event, so people should send their forms to Pat as soon as possible.

For news of the last two retreats and more information on 2013 retreat, please view here, or to learn more about Walsingham, please view here.


  1. I hope to be able to come next year and will forward deposit soon

  2. I hope to go to Walsingham next year and will soon send a deposit
