Friday 24 February 2012

Lent 2012

As members of the Catholic Association, it is important to consider our own personal pilgrimages, as well as the one in August. As such, on this first Friday in Lent, we wondered what have you given up for Lent? Or what have you taken on?

Let us know how your Lent devotions are going and what reading you recommend. We can then share ideas and thoughts

One popular practice is to read something "spiritual"? What spiritual reading do you recommend?


  1. I have given up all fried breakfasts and chocolate. I find reading the words of St Bernadette on your excellent CA website is always very helpful in keeping me going.

  2. I have decided to stop drinking all hot drinks - tea, coffee, hot water, choc, red bush, hot milk, hot orange juice, etc, etc, etc. I always read the writings of St Bernard of Clairvaux who was a French abbot and the primary builder of the reforming Cistercian order.

  3. I am planning to give up the drinking of wine, beer and whisky. I am hoping that I can manage for the 45 days and 45 nights.

  4. I always use the Jesuit run: Joseph Griffiths

    1. Good idea Joseph, it is a really excellent website. :)

  5. I find this a rather strange subject. Last Sunday's Gospel suggested that we should keep our lenten observances between ourselves and God and not to shout them out on street corners.

    1. I think you're referring to the Gospel on Ash Wednesday which is Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-18. The point of this post is to encourage people to share what works for them; but if people share for the sake of boasting, then you're probably right. Helping each other with suggestions is not the same as carrying out the observances publicly.

  6. Given up all fried breakfast and toast

  7. Stopped eating cheese before bedtime. It will be healthier and crunchier life.

  8. I have given up all the worry
